Frequently asked questions about sawmills

Sawmill is the name given to companies whose factories are dedicated to the first transformation of wood, that is, they are responsible for converting tree trunks into more manageable and valuable objects such as boards, bars, etc.

The materials produced by a sawmill require a second transformation (carpentry, joinery, construction, etc.)

In Spain, a wood factory that wishes to operate as a sawmill must apply for the “Wood Sawing and Planing” License (CNAE code 1610).

In a sawmill, wood of different species and sizes is sold according to the specialty. It also markets derivatives or by-products generated in the production process such as chips, sawdust or tree bark.

Technically, a sawmill does not produce furniture. Its objective is to provide the necessary materials to companies or people dedicated to joinery, carpentry, DIY, construction, packaging...

Sin embargo, una empresa con, por ejemplo, una licencia de “Comercio al por Menor de Muebles, Aparatos de Iluminación y Otros Artículos de Uso Doméstico en Establecimientos Especializados” (código CNAE 4759) y que posea un aserradero sí podría comercializar muebles.

Yes. With the sawmill license you can directly sell wood for construction activities.

Para venta de otros materiales, como arena, cemento, etc. la empresa debería poseer la correspondiente licencia.

The most common thing is to find sawmills that process a single type of wood, that is, they specialize. The wood you work with will depend mainly on the resources in your area. In Spain it is very common to find sawmills that work with pine (in each of their respective species).

It is also possible to find other sawmills that are dedicated to the processing of trees such as oak, fir, chestnut, etc. due to its excellent properties of interest.

The vast majority of processed wood comes from private farms or communal forests.

In private estates, it is the owner's initiative to plant trees, while in communal forests it is the neighborhood community that decides.


  1. The first step is to remove the bark from the tree.
    2. The logs are cut lengthwise on the band saw to make the planks.
    3. The edges and ends of the plank are made on the edging machine.
    4. The next step is stacking.
    5. Next, we proceed to drying.
    Once this process is completed, it is classified and packaged according to quality, thickness and length and then moved to the warehouse.
    6. Marketing



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mountains, meadow, alpine meadow-8451480.jpgPolígono Industrial Las Eras, Alto Palomera, C. La Campiña 1 Palacios de la Sierra (Burgos)


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