About us

Maderas De Palacios S. Coop. is a company located in the municipality of Palacios de la Sierra (Burgos) that has been in the primary wood processing sector for almost 15 years. This company has specialized in pine wood and in recent years has been dedicated to the wholesale sale of pine wood, mainly pinaster pine and radiata pine. 


Our sawmill has opened to the retail wood sales sector and right now our customers can select between boards, planks or bars in various sizes or they can also choose their preferred dimensions and send us their order.


If you are more interested in other uses of wood such as biomass, gardening or decoration, see our by-products or derivatives section. You can choose between bark, sawdust or pine chips.

15 años en el sector

Especialistas de la madera

Varios uso

Dedicados al cliente


In 2010 this company began its industrial activity, almost 15 years later they continue working with wood as if for the first time, with the same desire and enthusiasm that started it all in the beginning.


Located in a natural area in the middle of the Sierra, in the municipality of Burgos, a town from which Palacios de la Sierra takes its name, a place where nature and especially wood is part of people's lives. Being an important part of the economy of the area. Our raw material comes mainly from the Sierra Mountains, working with pine varieties (pinaster, radiata, wild...).


Our company highlights the importance of responsible and efficient forestry use. Only fellings are carried out that contribute to the natural regeneration of the forest, trying to make the most of all the raw materials, respecting the environment with sustainable policies, with certificates.


This company has always tried to adapt to the changes that the moment required to continue advancing seriously and betting on quality and thus improve our products to compete in quality and price.


Improving facilities, modernizing machinery, adapting as much as possible to new technologies and betting on renewable energies, as shown by the installation of photovoltaic panels for the generation of electricity and the recycling of biomass in our dryers.


Despite being an expanding company, we continue to believe in close and warm customer service. Our philosophy has always considered it essential to generate bonds and emotions with all our clients. That is why, so that our members are always satisfied, we offer good, professional service and a close, personal treatment.

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