Experts in wood processing

Palace Woods

We didn't waste a bit of the roll.

Palace Woods

is a company located in the municipality of Palacios de la Sierra (Burgos) that has been in the primary wood processing sector for almost 15 years. This company has specialized in pine wood and in recent years has been dedicated to the wholesale sale of pine wood, mainly pinaster pine and radiata pine. 


Our sawmill has opened to the retail wood sales sector and right now our customers can select between boards, planks or bars in various sizes or they can also choose their preferred dimensions and send us their order.


If you are more interested in other uses of wood such as biomass, gardening or decoration, see our by-products or derivatives section. You can choose between bark, sawdust or pine chips.

Pine wood derivatives

Pine bark

Obtained in the debarking process, when the outer shell of the incoming pine log is removed. The bark is ecological and has multiple uses in gardening and decoration.

Pine sawdust

Sawdust is obtained in the roll sawing process. It is a very absorbent ecological material that can also be used as biomass.

Pine splinter

Pine chips are obtained by crushing the remains from sawing. This is an ecological material that can be used to make boards or as biomass.

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